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tv   KPIX 5 News at 5pm  CBS  March 8, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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later time. live in oakland, i'm da lin, kpix 5. >> there will also be an operation cease-fire walk through oakland tonight about 7:00. community leaders including mayor quan will walk the neighborhoods and reach out to young people about alternatives to violence. san jose police are trying to explain how they missed the body of an elderly man stabbed, then stashed in his apartment. detectives had checked the place after the man was listed as missing. but as mark sayre tells us, the big break came yesterday when the victim's granddaughter wound up back at the apartment alongside the suspected killer. >> reporter: family members have been looking for him for more than a month. police even made a visit to the apartment. despite all that effort, the man's decomposing body was right there the entire time. 69-year-old stanley jacobson was last seen by his family on february 4th and now, more than a month later, police have arrested regina butler and charged her with murder.
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his granddaughter says the family has always suspected butler, who the family believed to be homeless. >> and latched on to a senior that had an apartment and some place for her to hide out in and, you know, he's -- you know, diminished capacity. >> reporter: police now say they believe jacobson's body had been in his unit at the hilltop manor senior apartment the entire time. it was discovered only yesterday. missing persons detectives even visited the apartment on february 22nd and did not find anything. >> i have actually seen the photos. they went in and actually did exactly what they were supposed to do, which is photograph a scene just in case it later becomes a crime scene. >> reporter: san jose police spokesman jason dwyer says the body was well concealed. >> not many people if any would have found this body. it was underneath a lot of clutter. >> reporter: the family had suspected that butler was stealing jacobson's social security checks and so-called police when she arrived at the
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apartment yesterday. as police were on the way, bauer stalled butler by inviting her into the apartment and in a bizarre twist, bauer discovered her grandfather's body with the suspected killer right there. >> they entered the apartment and while she was visiting herself kind of straightening things up she actually located inadvertently the victim's body. >> at first, it was a relief knowing he was there. and then i felt the gut- wrenching that i have been in here three times and i didn't see him. that almost made me pass out. >> reporter: and late this afternoon, we learned that the suspect in this case regina butler has an extensive criminal history here in santa clara county dating back to 1986. since that time, she has been involved in at least four felony trials. reporting live in san jose, i'm mark sayre, kpix 5. >> butler will be arraigned on murder charges on monday. 20-year-old vincent gallegos is in custody for the stabbing death of a man at a
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park in san jose this week. he was read the formal charges against him in court today. the body of 27-year-old eric wright was found in guadalupe oak grove park around 4:00 wednesday afternoon. a motive for the stabbing has not been determined. checking bay area headlines tonight, police in san jose have shut down a massive tent city near spring street and west heading. the warnings went out several days ago to about 100 homeless people to leave. outreach coordinators are working to connect them with alternative shelters. clean-up costs are estimated between $20,000 and $30,000. in san francisco, a new police substation is officially up and running tonight. mayor lee cut the ribbon to the central market safety hub this afternoon at sixth and mission street a problem area for crimes from drug dealing to mugging. the mayor hopes increased police patrols will change all that. people in one bay area
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community want gun control of a different kind. they want to be able to decide if a gun show can come to town. kpix 5 reporter elissa harrington is live at the cow palace to show us what's standing in their way. >> reporter: cow palace stratles san mateo county and san francisco county but is actually owned by the state. because of this, it's been hard for local leaders to have any say over what happens here but a new bill could change that giving supervisors a voice and a tool to curb violence. reporter: >> what you see here today are people saying enough is enough. >> reporter: the supervisor, people who live in her district and other community leaders gather outside the cow palace where gun shows have been held for decades. their message, not in our backyard anymore. >> gun shows do not reflect our cultural values here. >> reporter: after years of trying to ban the shows with no success, lawmakers are taking a different approach with senate bill 475 introduced by senator
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mark leno. it would require approval from san mateo and san francisco county supervisors before a gun show could go on. >> if elected officials from this neighborhood from the adjoining counties would like a gun show, they have the right to express that and if they don't want it, they should have the right not only to express it but be heard. that's all this bill does. >> reporter: currently, firearms and ammunition can be sold there without any local input. the main concern is safety. in the last six months, within two miles of the cow palace, there have been 75 gun related crimes. the venue is across from the sunnyvale housing project and the bayview. some people who live in nearby neighborhoods say this bill is a matter of life or death. >> this gun shop bullet came at me. >> reporter: he was shot a couple of weeks ago while speaking out against guns. he has a violence prevention and youth leadership program.
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>> ain't no room for assault weapons on the streets. there ain't no room. you have people over here selling guns. what about investing in programs or educating people to know about guns? >> reporter: gun shows are popular at the cow palace. in january the crossroads of the west gun show attracted a record crowd of 18,000 people over that weekend. the next show is april. to be clear, the guns used in the surrounding neighborhoods were not necessarily purchased at a gun show. i did put in a call to people who run the shows but have not received a call back yet. elissa harrington, kpix 5. >> gun shows are already currently banned in marin and alameda counties. you know, it really focuses all your attention on what's important. >> fire rips through a world famous restaurant. how the bay area chef might revamp the eatery when she rebuilds. >> a bay area man looking for work ends up a
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multimillionaire. the favorite snack food that had him frequenting this gas station where he bought the winning lotto ticket. >> the rain has moved out for today. the wind has moved in, gusts near 50 miles per hour at ocean beach. sfo 44 miles per hour. and novato you had a 30-mile- per-hour wind gust. find out when the winds will relax and how warm we're going to get this weekend coming up. >> and some bad investments adding up to some costly mistakes. tonight, the one-of-a-kind program that's helping some small investors who have been led down the wrong path. i had my first cigarette when i was thirteen. when i found out how bad it was, i tried to quit. but i couldn't. they say nicotine isn't addictive.
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how can they say that? chez panisse restaurant in berkeley. firefighters were called out a damaging fire closes the iconic chez panisse restaurant in berkeley. firefighters were called to the world famous eatery about 3 a.m. they think that it could have been burning for a few hours before that. the porch, the outside dining area, received the most damage. a single sprinkler saved the inside of the restaurant. co-owner alice waters had to come see the damage for herself
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and the sight brought her to tears. >> all the beams are charred and the porch and -- the porch is gone. we have to rebuild. >> had it not been for that single sprinkler, we probably would have more significant damage. >> waters plans to open the cafe part of chez panisse as soon as possible. as for rebuilding, she says they may extend the dining room out to the porch area and actually expand the restaurant. a walnut creek man who recently lost his job can stop looking for work now. he just won $33 million. he said he usually picks up a bag of pumpkin seeds when he stops by the heather farms shell station but on wednesday, he chose a super lotto ticket instead. his wife a hairdresser thought he was joking when he showed up at her salon with the news. >> she didn't believe. i told her just one time believe me. she said no, i have to finish
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my work. [ laughter ] >> i said, you don't need to work. you can buy this store now. >> the couple's lump sum payout comes to $23 million. he plans to use it to start his own business. he would also like to buy his wife her own salon to run. small investors led down a costly path. tonight the one-of-a-kind program that's finding justice for those who lost big. >> and a milestone on the eastern span of the new bay bridge. mobile weather is live with what conditions will be like for the final concrete pour.
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well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible.
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the dow jones gained 52 points... closing at 14-382, surpassing its record close tuesday. oyers added nearly a better-than-expected jobs report kept wall street gaining, dow up 3 surpassing the record close on tuesday. and employers added nearly a quarter of a million jobs last month. analysts say it's another sign the economy is improving. cbs reporter tara mergener on the hope that the tide is turning. reporter: noisy construction sites are becoming music to the ears of unemployed americans. a rise in building is fueling a
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hiring boom. the industry added 48,000 jobs in february, the biggest one- month gain in six years. construction led the way in a better-than-expected jobs report. there were also big improvements in manufacturing and the retail industry. altogether, employers added more than a quarter million jobs in february, cutting the unemployment rate to 7.7%, the lowest level in four years. >> we are getting some build-up in jobs where people have very good yearly salaries. that should be good for the industry. the construction boom should keep growing but many americans are still out of work. chris has been going on job interviews since he was fired from a financial services firm a year ago. he is one of nearly 5 million americans who have been out of work for more than six months. it's the long- term unemployed having the hardest time finding
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a job. >> i send out so many resumes at a time like 100 or 150 or so. i get a handful of responses. >> reporter: he says competition in the financial industry is fierce. he is hoping the improved economy will encourage companies to increase hiring. in washington, tara mergener kpix 5. >> hundreds of jobs will open here in the bay area once amy's kitchen builds a manufacturing plant in santa rosa. the petaluma-based frozen food company would bring in 800 new jobs to the area. the plans are in the early stages. they still need to pick a site. but they would like to break ground in about a year. the stock market may be at a five-year high right now. but not every investor is a success story. now a one-of-a-kind program is offering help to small investors who have been led down the wrong path by brokers and investment advisors. kpix 5 consumerwatch reporter julie watts explains.
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reporter: linda likes to play it safe. >> i'm not a gambler. >> reporter: so when the schoolteacher came into an inheritance she told the financial advisor at her bank to put it in something low risk. >> i told him i might be taking the money out within a year. >> reporter: but the investment quickly went south and linda lost $40,000. >> turned out mostly it was comprised of the high-yield bonds which i later found out were junk bonds. >> reporter: a costly mistake. so linda turned to the investor justice clinic at the university of san francisco law school where students help small investors fight back. >> it's a two-way street where they get free legal advice and we get to learn. a lot of our clients don't have anywhere else to go. >> reporter: because most practicing lawyers won't take cases where investors have lost less than $100,000. clinic founder robert talbot says brokers in california are required by law to act in their clients' best interests. >> broker's obligation is to
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only recommend suitable securities. >> reporter: but not all do. >> maybe because they are making a higher commission or they haven't paid attention. >> reporter: so far, the clinic's helped return more than a million dollars to small investors. and linda is one of the success stories. she got all her money back plus interest. money she now has in a safe investment. >> i was delighted. i didn't think i would ever see that money again. >> reporter: now, losing money in an investment doesn't necessarily mean the broker did something wrong. it must be an an unsuitable investment for the client. go to for more. >> at least one place for people to go out when they run out of options, for free. we traded the rain for cold temperatures and wind today. >> it is brisk out there. if anything, the wind has increased and increased. i'm getting more tweets and more facebook postings. what's going on with the wind outside? because the low pressure area that gave us the rainfall has
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moved out but it's really, really getting stronger to our south and that's kicking up the wind over the bay area right here. look at the flags flying from our dublin cam. typically we can see mount diablo. we have turned it to a different direction. wind gusts are 25 to 35 miles per hour. our ocean beach camera bouncing around over the last hour and a half wind gusts up to 49 miles per hour keeping temperatures down. the only spot in the low 60s now would be santa rosa at 61. livermore 51. downtown san francisco 51. windy. oakland 57 and windy. concord 56. rain is gone. south bay the last to see the rain shortly after midnight. think we are going to be rain- free for the next seven to 10 days and i also think this will be the final day with widespread 30s to start off things tomorrow morning. it will be the last time in a long time. concord 39 for a low tonight. fremont 38. redwood city 38. santa rosa down to 36. we are springing forward this weekend. sunset time tonight in san
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francisco is 6:11. on sunday, the sun will not go down until 13 minutes after 7:00. so please take note of that. you lose an hour. it's a 47 hour weekend but you will gain light on sunday night. there is the low pressure system sliding into southern california and baja, california, small hail in arizona widespread in phoenix and tucson. low pressure moving out. high pressure moving in. that's why it's windy tonight and chilly tonight, as well. 70s coming up next week. this high pressure is going to hang out for a week and a half. so you will enjoy sunshine and very warm weather next week. the winds will relax slowly and it will be a cold night tonight. 60s for highs over the weekend but next week we're talking 70s with sunshine. tomorrow in downtown san francisco, 62. san jose you will hit 65. los altos 65.
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pacifica 62. union city 63. walnut creek 67 tomorrow. benicia 65. sunny saturday in san rafael, say that five times quickly, 65, and san francisco 62 degrees. upper 60s on sunday, low 70s on monday. that's where we're going to stay. look next week every day in the 70s. wednesday will be the warmest day with mid-70s inland. it will be a warm pattern. let's get outside to roberta gonzales and mobile weather. >> i'm standing on the new western span of the bay bridge. back there is the toll plaza. this is the brand-new western span that lights up to the suspension portion of the bridge. and over here, let's look at the current conditions. barometer on the rise as an area of low pressure is moving out and high pressure is building in. okay, see this over here? this is the eastern span of the
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brand-new bay bridge. now, this is in diameter roughly the size of three football fields back to back. this is the only portion of the eastern span of this deck that is left to be paved. that's going to take place bright and early tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. the weather is going to be favorable for the paving. overcast skies for openers and sunshine with favorable temperatures. so that is your report tonight live with mobile weather aboard the brand-new bay bridge. roberta gonzales for kpix 5. we'll be right back.
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♪ roundup ♪ ♪ i want a weed free season that's how i roll ♪ ♪ so i reach for roundup extended control ♪ ♪ with the all-new, no pump, one-touch wand ♪ ♪ it kills weeds dead and keeps weeds gone ♪ [ whip cracks ] ♪ roundup extended control ♪ ♪ i just spray them weeds then spray them cracks ♪ ♪ the weeds are gone, and they won't be back ♪ ♪ driveway, patio, i just spray once ♪ ♪ and it's adios weeds for up to four sweet months ♪ [ whip cracks ] ♪ roundup extended control ♪ [ male announcer ] roundup extended control ♪ yeha ♪ with the new one-touch wand. [ whip cracks ]
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bad, medication i morning half of all pregnant women -- more than half of all pregnant will have morning sick nevertheless at some point. for some the nausea is so bad that medication is necessary. dr. kim says some people thought it was risky but moms-
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to-be are getting the "all clear." >> reporter: deborah knows how hard dealing with morning sickness can be. >> i was sick, throwing up, could barely keep food down constantly. >> reporter: it was so bad, doctors gave her a medication to relieve her nausea and involvementing. >> it was great. really helped me cope with nausea and vomiting. >> reporter: it's approved to treat nausea in cancer patients. doctors can use it off label in pregnant women with severe morning sickness but there's always been a question about safety. new research shows more than 600,000 women in denmark, the study finds no link between taking the drug during pregnancy and an increased risk of birth problems. even so, some doctors believe it should only be used when necessary. >> there is a role for it. i don't think it should be the first line of therapy. it should be the last. >> reporter: dr. alcon advises his patients to first change
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their diet, supplement with b6 and even try antihistamines. deborah says the drug was a lifesaver for her. >> i think that it's a good option to have. >> she hopes the latest findings will ease the minds of pregnant women who have run out of options. dr. kim mulvihill, kpix 5. >> dr. kim says this drug should be the last resort but with severe nausea, excessive vomiting can harm the mother and unborn baby. and now for a look at what's ahead on the "cbs evening news." scott pelley is in new york. >> reporter: hi, ken and liz. great to be with you in the bay area. osama bin laden's right-hand man woke up this morning in new york city. we'll tell you the inside story of how the fbi got their man tonight on the "cbs evening news." at 5:30, right after kpix 5 news. c
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save up to 40% on closeout sets from beautyrest and posturepedic. save hundreds on floor samples and closeout inventory. the beautyrest and posturepedic closeout sale is on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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(woman) 3 days of walking to give a breast cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful ♪ (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information today. it was 3
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days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful ♪c san jose are getting a raise next new at 6:00 tonight, thousands of workers across san jose are getting a raise next week. minimum wage goes to $10 an hour. why people thought the pay hike would hurt their business now support it. >> and it's a trend you might not expect since the economy is gaining steam. why so many baby boomers in the bay area are actually thinking small. those stories and much more tonight at clock. well, thank you all for watching. "cbs evening news" with scott pelley is coming up next. >> and remember, the latest news and weather are always on captions by: caption colorado
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>> pelley: tonight, the turnaround no one saw coming. a surprising jobs report moves the unemployment rate. anthony mason on which way the economy is headed. osama bin laden's right hand man wakes up in new york city. john miller on how the f.b.i. got its man. "60 minutes" investigates how a is reached out to sav >> it has totally restored my faith in humanity. captioning sponsored by cbs
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ptioning sponsor this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: good evening. there have been a lot of low points in the economy and we hit another one today. this time it's good news. 7.7%, the lowest unemployment rate in more than four years. down two tenths a point since last month. it came today, along with toward that the economy created 236,000 jobs in february, that is double what most economists had expected. job creation is accelerating along with auto sales, manufacturing, big corporate profits and low interest rates. what can we expect next? here's anthony mason. >> reporter: 30-year-old erin kell just found a job at american pioneer manufacturing. >> it was life-changing for me and it will be life-changing for my children. >> reporter: a single mother of two young boys, kell makes coffee mugs for starbucks at the ohio


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